Chinese children becoming “spiritual elderly”

Alex Lew, CFA
2 min readMar 25, 2023


In recent years, there has been a growing trend in China of children becoming “spiritual elderly”. Similar to the trend among young adults, this phenomenon involves children adopting behaviors and interests that are typically associated with older generations.

Some of the common traits of “spiritual elderly” children include a focus on traditional practices such as tai chi and health maintenance through acupuncture and massage, a preference for simple and frugal living, and a strong interest in cultural and historical pursuits.

While some may view this trend as concerning, it is important to recognize that these behaviors are often a reflection of a desire for balance and stability in an increasingly fast-paced and stressful world. Additionally, the pursuit of mental and physical health is a positive and admirable goal for people of all ages.

For parents who are interested in promoting these values in their children, there are several tips and practices that can be helpful. Encouraging a healthy diet and regular exercise can lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle, while activities like meditation, yoga, and tai chi can promote mental clarity and relaxation.

Cultivating an appreciation for cultural and historical pursuits can also be beneficial for children. This may involve taking trips to museums, attending traditional performances, or simply reading books on history and culture.

Overall, while the trend of “spiritual elderly” children may be new and unconventional, it is important to recognize that the pursuit of health, balance, and cultural appreciation is always a positive choice. By encouraging these values in children, parents can help to foster a generation of healthy, well-rounded individuals who are prepared to face the challenges of the future.

